Asherkine’s “Day of Our First Kiss” in Joeboy’s “Taxi Driver” series takes an emotional turn.

Asherkine’s “Day of Our First Kiss” in Joeboy’s “Taxi Driver” series takes an emotional turn.

Asherkine’s “Day of Our First Kiss” in Joeboy’s “Taxi Driver” series takes an emotional turn.

Episode two of Joeboy’s “Taxi Driver” series, “Day of Our First Kiss,” features digital creator Asherkine.

Asherkine tells a heartbreaking anecdote from his time at university as he boards the taxi. He talks about how he met a girl with a medical issue on college. After several of his buddies made fun of her, one of them began dating her. On the day that Asherkine was supposed to kiss her for the first time, they started dating.

Joeboy listens as the story progresses, and once more, the taxi transforms from a place to get a ride to a confessional where heartbreak finds a voice.

Watch the second episode.