Best Law Books For Law Students: A Must Read For Aspiring Lawyers

Best Law Books For Law Students: A Must Read For Aspiring Lawyers

Best Law Books For Law Students: A Must Read For Aspiring Lawyers

Best Law Books For Law Students: A Must Read For Aspiring Lawyers
Every student aspiring to become a lawyer must be ready to read every time and every good book. Lawyers are readers and every day learners. To succeed as a law student, you must read as if your career success depends on books.

In the process of formation to become a lawyer, there are some books every student must must read for a wider knowledge. Versatility is a quality of every lawyer. Being learned means that you know not only law, but at least little in every field. You must have something to offer intellectually in every field of study, no matter how small.


Letter to a young lawyer
2. LETTER TO A LAW STUDENT by Nicholas Mcbride. This is one of the best law books for law students.

3. LEARNING THE LAW By Glanville Williams, published in 1945.

learning the law

4. ONE L – written by Scott Turrow, published in 1977. This is a true story of a first year student( Scott Turrow) of Harvard law school. It is an autobiography narrative.

5. GETTING TO MAYBE: This book is a tip on how to prepare and excel in law school exams. Wriiten by Richard Michael Fischl. This is one of the best law books for law students.

getting to maybe
6. The rule of law: written by Late Lord Bingham cooly. In this book, the author lays down the tenets of rule of law.

the rule of law
7. Introduction to legal reasoning: by Edward Hirsch Levi. In this book, the author attempts to describe generally the process of legal reasoning in the field of case law and in the interpretation of statutes and case law.

introduction to legal reasoning
8. Thinking like a lawyer by Frederick Shauer, Originally published April, 2009. This book is targeted at both the law school students and the upper level undergraduates. It consists of exposition of basic legal concept that scholars and lawyers will find stimulating.

thinking like a lawyer
9. Story-telling for lawyers: by Philip N Meyer. This book gives a tip on how to acquire a story telling skill as a lawyer which is essential in arguing cases especially murder cases. originally published in 2013.

story telling by lawyers
10. The end of lawyers? (Rethinking of the nature of legal services) by Richard Susskind. Originally published in 2008.

In this book, the author identifies ten disruptive legal techniques.

11. Reading like a lawyer( time-saving strategies for reading law like an expert)

written by Ruth Mckinney.

This book is very important because the ability to read law well is an indispensable that can make or break the academic career of an aspiring lawyer. The book deals on simple steps to acquiring the said skills.

Reading like a lawyer
12. Legal skills: by Emily Finch and Stefan Fafinsky. Originally published in 2007. This book encompasses all the academic and practical legal skills vital to a law degree. It is an ideal text for the first year students and a valuable resource for those studying law at any level.

legal skills
13. The best defence: The courtroom confrontations of American most outspoken lawyer of last resort.

Author; Alan Dershowitz

the best defence

14. The legal analyst: by Ward Farnsworth.

In this book, the author brings together all the most powerful tools for thinking about the law.

the legal analyst
15. Law Empire: by Donald Dworkin.

In this book, the author continues his criticism of legal positivism as promoted by HLA Hart during the middle of 20th century. Originally published in 1986

the empire
16. The law: by Frederick Bastiat published 1850.

the law
17. The tool of argument ( how the best lawyer think, argue and win)

Author: Joel Trachtman.

Joel Trachtman’s the tool of argument presents in lucid and plain term, the the powerful tools of argument.

Originally published in 2013.

the tool of argument

18. The theory of justice: Author: John Rawl.

In this book, the author addresses the problem of distributive justice. Originally published in 1971.

the theory of justice