CAN’T LAUGH ALONE Video: Do you believe Money Rituals work??
Do you believe that money ritual in Nigeria actually works? we hits the streets to ask Nigerians if they’ve ever done a money ritual – and does it work?
Some people will go to any means to find easy money – go to a Babalawo for a juju (voodoo!) ceremony to bring quick riches.
And, of course, they will have to pay him with chickens, rice, and other favours to ensure the juju money ritual ceremony works properly.
“I believe that money ritual works – I’ve done it, and it’s worked,” says one young man. “I don’t believe in it – but of course it exits – I watch movies!” “For me now, since I know christ, I don’t believe in it,” says one Nigerian woman.
“Money ritual does generate money. It’s supposed to solve peoples problem. I’ve read stories from my area in Yoruba and Igbo land,” says one young man. Some money rituals involve sacrificing an animal (or, some rumours suggest, even family or friends).
The names for the different types of money rituals include “Osole”, “Oso Gbigbona”, “Oso Tutu” and others. But every money ritual must have a repercussion.