Tonye Lucky Jaja, better known as “Teeblajjj” is a renowned Nigerian Gospel record producer, a singer, songwriter, recording artist and sound engineer.
He is the official Managing Director and Head of Productions at Heritage Records with “Pastor Ifeoma Eze” as CEO.
He has produced mind blowing Gospel hit-albums such as You are Powerful, New Dimension and Lifted for Life!
“Teeblajjj” has also written and co-written several trending songs like Follow Jehovah, Still be God, Testimony and Celebrate.
One striking feature of “Teeblajjj” is that he was born to produce music. No two tracks are ever the same because his creativity is at the peak.
He plays music instruments such as piano, guitar, drums etc.
Tonye Lucky Jaja, better known as Teeblajjj is a renowned Nigerian Gospel record producer, a singer, songwriter, recording artist and sound engineer.
He is the official Managing Director and Head of Productions at Heritage Records with Pastor Ifeoma Eze as CEO.
He has produced mind blowing Gospel hit-albums such as You are Powerful, New Dimension and Lifted for Life!
Teeblajjj has also written and co-written several trending songs like Follow Jehovah, Still be God, Testimony and Celebrate.
One striking feature of Teeblajjj is that he was born to produce music. No two tracks are ever the dame because his creativity is at the peak.
He plays many music instruments like piano, guitar, drums etc.