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Explosion: ‘Don’t Transfer Suspect to Abuja’ – Local Authorities and Community Leaders Appeal


Jun 28, 2024 #Abuja
Explosion: ‘Don’t Transfer Suspect to Abuja’ – Local Authorities and Community Leaders Appeal

Explosion: ‘Don’t Transfer Suspect to Abuja’ – Local Authorities and Community Leaders Appeal

Explosion: ‘Don’t Transfer Suspect to Abuja’ – Local Authorities and Community Leaders Appeal 2




Explosion: ‘Don’t Transfer Suspect to Abuja’ – Local Authorities and Community Leaders Appeal

Local authorities and community leaders are urging federal law enforcement agencies to refrain from transferring a key suspect in a recent explosion to Abuja. The appeal comes in the wake of a devastating explosion that rocked a bustling market in Lagos, resulting in multiple casualties and significant property damage. The suspect, whose identity has not been disclosed for security reasons, was apprehended by local police shortly after the incident.


On June 15, 2024, a powerful explosion occurred in the Balogun Market area of Lagos, leading to widespread panic and chaos. The blast claimed the lives of 12 people, injured dozens, and destroyed several shops and stalls. Initial investigations indicate that the explosion was caused by an improvised explosive device (IED). Authorities quickly launched a thorough investigation to identify and apprehend those responsible.


The local police successfully arrested a suspect believed to be involved in orchestrating the explosion. The swift action by the Lagos State Police Command has been praised by residents and community leaders. However, reports that the suspect may be transferred to Abuja for further investigation have sparked concern and opposition from local stakeholders.

Community leaders argue that transferring the suspect to Abuja could hinder the investigation and delay justice for the victims and their families. They emphasize the importance of conducting the investigation locally, where the incident occurred and where witnesses and evidence are readily accessible.


Mr. Hakeem Odumosu, the Commissioner of Police in Lagos State, expressed his commitment to ensuring a thorough and transparent investigation. “Our priority is to uncover the truth behind this tragic incident and bring those responsible to justice. While we understand the need for federal involvement, we believe that keeping the investigation local will expedite the process and provide closure to the affected community.”

Community leader Mrs. Funke Adeola also voiced her concerns. “The people of Lagos have suffered a great deal from this explosion. We need the investigation to stay here, where the crime took place, to ensure that all necessary evidence and testimonies are collected without delay. Transferring the suspect to Abuja could complicate and prolong the investigation, causing more distress to the victims’ families.”


Legal experts have weighed in on the debate, highlighting the legal and logistical implications of transferring the suspect. Barrister Chukwuemeka Nwosu, a prominent human rights lawyer, explained, “While federal authorities have the jurisdiction to handle cases of national security, it is crucial to consider the practical aspects of the investigation. Local investigations can often be more efficient, as they allow for immediate access to evidence and witnesses. Any decision to transfer the suspect should be carefully evaluated to ensure it does not impede the pursuit of justice.”


The call to keep the investigation in Lagos has garnered significant support from the local community. Residents have organized peaceful demonstrations and signed petitions urging the federal authorities to heed their request. Social media platforms are abuzz with messages of solidarity and demands for justice.

One resident, Mr. Adewale Bakare, shared his thoughts, “We have faith in our local police and believe they can handle this case effectively. The explosion has already caused immense pain and loss; we do not want to add to that by complicating the investigation process. Keeping it local will help maintain transparency and trust.”


In response to the growing concerns, the Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has appealed to federal authorities to consider the community’s plea. “The state government stands with the people of Lagos in demanding a swift and transparent investigation. We urge the federal law enforcement agencies to work collaboratively with our local police to ensure that justice is served promptly and efficiently.”

The federal authorities, while acknowledging the concerns, have yet to make a final decision on the matter. A spokesperson for the Nigerian Police Force stated, “We are carefully reviewing all aspects of the case to determine the best course of action. Our goal is to ensure a thorough investigation and bring all perpetrators to justice, regardless of where the investigation takes place.”



As the investigation into the tragic explosion in Lagos continues, the call to keep the suspect within the local jurisdiction underscores the community’s desire for a timely and transparent resolution. Local authorities, community leaders, and residents are united in their appeal, hoping that their voices will be heard and that justice will be served without unnecessary delays.


By tmaq

TMAQ is a music & content promotion (A&R PR) | Digital and Social Media Marketer | tmaq4real@gmail.com|08134591329