Five Television Shows That Will Be Released In The First Quarter Of 2019

Five Television Shows That Will Be Released In The First Quarter Of 2019

Five Television Shows That Will Be Released In The First Quarter Of 2019


Five Television Shows That Will Be Released In The First Quarter Of 2019

There’s a whole lot of shows that will be making their way to television this year. As a matter of fact, 2019 has the potential of increasing the number of binge watchers because of the interesting shows on offer. Here are a number of television shows we have our eyes on.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6

Released on January 10, 2019, the cop comedy, Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 6 was picked up by NBC picked up in the nick of time, which means we get to see Jake Peralta and the rest of the Nine-Nine go back to kicking butt and cracking ceilings. If that doesn’t make for a nice new year, we don’t know what does.

Deadly Class

Scheduled to be released on the 16th of January, 2019, deadly class is a television show based on the comic of the same name. The series follows a teenager attending a special school for assassins.

Benedict Wong from the Avengers franchise stars in the series too and he brings the same badass attitude to the show.

The Punisher Season 2

Season 2 of The Punisher makes its way back to television in January 2019. Frank Castle returns to Netflix ostensibly to shoot a plethora of guns and fight his best friend turned arch-nemesis Jigsaw. This is one show that we are all glad didn’t get cancelled like the rest of the Marvel street heroes.

True Detective Season 3

Season 3 of True Detective was released on January 13, 2019 and sees the unveiling of Academy Award winner Mahershala Ali stars in the new season of this crime anthology. Not very much has been revealed about the story, but it already looks gripping, and like the first season, comes through with multiple timelines.

Game of Thrones Season 8

The final season of Game of Thrones will see it all come together in April, 2019. Lovers of the show had to wait a whole year for this season and we are sure nobody is prepared for how it ends.
Even book readers don’t know how things are going to end for this fantasy series, but one thing is for sure – spoilers are going to be hard to avoid.