I Still Have Waist Pains Everyday”- Celebrity Designer Reveals The Ugly Side Of BUTT IMPLANTS

I Still Have Waist Pains Everyday”- Celebrity Designer Reveals The Ugly Side Of BUTT IMPLANTS

I Still Have Waist Pains Everyday”- Celebrity Designer Reveals The Ugly Side Of BUTT IMPLANTS



Celebrity fashion stylist, Pearl Chidinma, recently went under the knife to augment her butt, but Since she had the surgery, some weeks ago, the pains arising from the surgery have not left her even though she’s a proud owner of a bigger bum, thinner waist and shapely hips.

“The surgery was very painful. I still have waist pains everyday. My waist is rigged in and the hip bones are protruding. I need to eat properly to feed the fat. Although it feels natural and heavy but it is what I wanted and it feels good,” she quipped in a chat with Potpourri.

When asked how she feels wearing a new bum, she said it felt all natural and heavy, since it was bigger than what it was before.

“It looks smaller now though because I lost weight and it was my initial swelling that made me think this was my jackpot. My hip which was 40 has gone up to 47. My waist has come down from 34 to 30 but I’m still working on losing the waist,” she said.

In September of last year, Chidinma exclusively disclosed why she was having the bum implants and the price she had to pay for it.

“I seriously want my bum reshaped and enhanced, hence providing an attractive and prominent rear end. A big enough one to boost any woman’s self esteem. The era of the waif-life, model-thin body has passed. Thanks to celebrities like Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian. Women are now aiming for an hourglass figure and that includes a trimmer and athletic-looking derriere,” she said.