It Is Time To Change Strategy – Topcares

It Is Time To Change Strategy – Topcares

It Is Time To Change Strategy – Topcares


It Is Time To Change Strategy - Topcares

It Is Time To Change Strategy – Topcares

I welcome you all to the month of July, which is the 7th month, and 7 is the symbol for perfection. I pray the Lord perfect all that concerns you this month.

The first half of 2020, ended yesterday and the second half begins today, and i am glad to announce to you, that there is enough time for you to achieve the vision you have in mind for this year.

Last week i wrote about stay focus on the goal, why you stay focus on the goal, you need to examine the steps you take on the journey so far, you have to check if you are still on the right path.

If you found out that things are not going as planned IT IS TIME TO CHANGE STRATEGY. it is only a fool that does something same way and expects a different result.

Sometimes a football coach may begin the match with a particular formation all through the first half but if the team is not playing or getting the required result he has no choice than to change his formation, in changing formation most times requires substituting some players to be able to play the new formation.

First half is gone, you need to do some evaluation of it, what are the things i have done this year, what are the things needed to achieve the set goals, what are the things I have to substitute, what areas do i need to improve upon.

Although the covid 19 pandemic has affected the economy this year, but people are still getting things done, all you need is the right strategy to achieve your goals.

There is enough time to still get things done, you don’t need to give up, you only need to change your strategy and you will surely get a positive outcome.

I am Taiwo Olugbenga Peter