Lastee Assures Fans of No Bad Blood Between Him And Tellaman

Lastee Assures Fans of No Bad Blood Between Him And Tellaman

Lastee Assures Fans of No Bad Blood Between Him And Tellaman




Lastee Assures Fans of No Bad Blood Between Him And Tellaman: Lastee made his fans to understand that because he was absent from tellaman’s album does not mean there is a problem between them. They should relax as the year just started and he has thousands of songs with tellaman. he made the below twit….” have thousands of songs with
. Not being on his album is not a mistake and doesn’t mean there’s any bad blood. There’s a lot of songs coming out this year with us both 😉. Worry not family. ❤️ #GodDecides 1.2.2019″ – Lastee