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Nigerian Olympic Committee (NOC) Trains Female Coaches and Administrators


Jun 28, 2024 #Olympic
Nigerian Olympic Committee (NOC) Trains Female Coaches and Administrators

Nigerian Olympic Committee (NOC) Trains Female Coaches and Administrators

Nigerian Olympic Committee (NOC) Trains Female Coaches and Administrators 2




Nigerian Olympic Committee (NOC) Trains Female Coaches and Administrators

The Nigerian Olympic Committee (NOC) has embarked on a groundbreaking initiative aimed at empowering female coaches and administrators in sports. The program, designed to enhance the skills, knowledge, and leadership capabilities of women in the sports sector, marks a significant step toward gender equality and the development of sports in Nigeria.


The NOC’s training program, which commenced on June 10, 2024, in Lagos, is part of a broader strategy to promote inclusivity and diversity within the Nigerian sports ecosystem. The initiative targets women across various sports disciplines, providing them with the tools and resources necessary to excel in their respective fields. The training sessions cover a wide range of topics, including advanced coaching techniques, sports management, leadership development, and strategic planning.

The program features a blend of theoretical and practical sessions, led by experienced professionals and renowned sports figures. Participants have the opportunity to engage in interactive workshops, panel discussions, and hands-on activities that foster a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the sports industry.


Habu Gumel, President of the Nigerian Olympic Committee, emphasized the importance of the program in his opening remarks. “The NOC is committed to promoting gender equality and empowering women in sports. This training program is a testament to our dedication to creating an inclusive environment where female coaches and administrators can thrive. We believe that by investing in the development of women in sports, we are contributing to the overall growth and success of Nigerian sports on the global stage.”

The Minister of Youth and Sports Development, Sunday Dare, also lent his support to the initiative. “Empowering women in sports is not just a matter of fairness; it is essential for the development of the sports industry. Women bring unique perspectives and skills that are invaluable to the growth and sustainability of sports. This training program by the NOC is a significant milestone in our journey toward gender equality in sports, and I commend all the participants and organizers for their dedication.”


The training program has attracted a diverse group of participants, including seasoned coaches, aspiring sports administrators, and former athletes transitioning to coaching roles. One of the participants, Coach Funke Adedayo, expressed her excitement about the program. “This training is a game-changer for me and many other women in sports. The knowledge and skills we are acquiring here will not only enhance our careers but also inspire the next generation of female athletes and leaders in sports.”

The NOC aims to create a ripple effect through this initiative, with the trained coaches and administrators expected to mentor and support other women in their communities. By building a network of empowered female sports professionals, the NOC envisions a future where women have equal opportunities to lead, innovate, and make impactful contributions to Nigerian sports.


The success of the current training program has paved the way for future initiatives and collaborations. The NOC plans to expand the program to other regions in Nigeria, ensuring that more women have access to these valuable resources. Additionally, the committee is exploring partnerships with international sports organizations and educational institutions to further enrich the training content and provide global exposure for the participants.

Dr. Chioma Ajunwa, Nigeria’s first Olympic gold medalist and a prominent advocate for women in sports, highlighted the long-term vision of the program. “Empowering women in sports is a continuous journey. This training program is a significant step, but we must keep pushing for more opportunities and support for women at all levels of sports. I am confident that with sustained effort and collaboration, we can achieve remarkable progress and set new standards for gender equality in sports.”



The Nigerian Olympic Committee’s initiative to train female coaches and administrators represents a bold and necessary step towards achieving gender equality in sports. By equipping women with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel, the NOC is fostering an inclusive and dynamic sports environment that will benefit the entire nation. The positive impact of this program will resonate for years to come, inspiring countless women to pursue their dreams and make significant contributions to Nigerian sports.


By tmaq

TMAQ is a music & content promotion (A&R PR) | Digital and Social Media Marketer | tmaq4real@gmail.com|08134591329