Okowa Give Us Our Road! Angry Isoko Man writes open Letter to “Hon. Chief Iduh Amadhe”, President General of IDU

Okowa Give Us Our Road! Angry Isoko Man writes open Letter to “Hon. Chief Iduh Amadhe”, President General of IDU

Okowa Give Us Our Road! Angry Isoko Man writes open Letter to “Hon. Chief Iduh Amadhe”, President General of IDU


Hon High Chief Iduh Amadhe, JP
President General
Isoko Development Union (IDU)


I bring you greetings, Merigwe PG
It’s no longer news that Dr Ifeanyi Okowa do not have any single regards for the Isoko nation hence this open display of wickedness and obvious show of “who are they“.

With pains I bring your attention to the open slap this administration had given to Isoko for the past few months, the both entrance into the Isoko nation had been destroyed and left unattended to.

I appeals you use your office to stand up & speak for Isoko now, since the political class had failed us woefully.
If nothing is done urgently to correct this humiliationof our both gate ways, in no distance time we would have been isolated from the rest of the world.

Counting on your office prompt response.


Justice Okieke
Enuru, Olomoro.

Comrade Umuakpo Ovie
Comrade Dan Odhomo

As written by @justiceokieke #OkowaGiveUsOurRoad #LongLiveIsokoNation