These are all of South Africa’s COVID-19 vaccine 

These are all of South Africa’s COVID-19 vaccine 

These are all of South Africa’s COVID-19 vaccine

These are all of South Africa’s COVID-19 vaccine 

These are all of South Africa’s COVID-19 vaccine

South Africa’s vaccination program kicked off a couple of weeks ago with the first vaccination sites announced to administer the vaccine. The public health facilities were set up as sites to service health care workers who have been in the front lines of the fight against COVID-19 for months.

The health department has begun gearing up its public health response to the virus across the country, and the vaccination plan aims to see one million doses of the vaccine administered by the end of March.

The vaccination program’s rollout coincides with President Ramaphosa moving the country from lockdown level 3 to level 1 as infections in the country have fallen consistently since the start of the year.

Despite the easing of restrictions and the vaccination program’s imminent rollout to the general population after healthcare workers have received their doses, the president has continued to advise that the public remain vigilant.

It is imperative that South African’s continue to adhere to a non-pharmaceutical intervention like mask-wearing, hand washing and physical distancing to ensure that we do not see another spike in infections this year.

Initially, 18 vaccination sites were set up, with that number growing to 49 as of this week. These 49 sites are made up of 34 public and 15 private health facilities. The first priority for these sites has been to vaccinate their own staff.

According to a government release, 76 037 healthcare workers have to date received their vaccinations.

According to the Hospital Association of South Africa, these 49 sites were selected at least in part based on the number of COVID-19 cases in each area and their proximity to research centres.