TMAQTALK MUSIC & LYRICS VIDEO : Blessing Kpokpo – Desperate Seekers (Thirsty)

TMAQTALK MUSIC & LYRICS VIDEO : Blessing Kpokpo – Desperate Seekers (Thirsty)

TMAQTALK MUSIC & LYRICS VIDEO : Blessing Kpokpo – Desperate Seekers (Thirsty)

TMAQTALK MUSIC & LYRICS VIDEO : Blessing Kpokpo - Desperate Seekers (Thirsty)



Blessing Kpokpo – Desperate Seekers (Thirsty)



The FATHER seeks those that will worship him in SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH DESPERATE SEEKERS (Thirsty) is a song borne out of deep thirst and hunger for God, as seen in David a man after God’s own heart.

David got the attention of God because of the state of his heart…… As the deer pants for the flowing stream, so pants my soul after you, oh God. My soul thirst for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God. (Psalm 42:1-2)

God still seek men who seeks him with the whole of their heart, Men whose hunger for God supercedes the hunger and thirst for things that cannot satisfy.

Dear friend, no matter how deep you are in sin and frustration, depression and maybe you are despite of life, the depth of God’s provision is deeper to bring you out, your soul needs this connect to find the true meaning of life and satisfaction*. I tell you, Jesus is the water and well of life that refreshes the soul. Ask him into your soul today and find peace that transcends understanding.

Or are you a believer experiencing a moment of spiritual drought, Lukewarmness, lethargy, lack of fire, needing a balm for your soul there’s healing for you as sincerely come.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God.

This song is a call to revival of righteousness and holiness in this end time.
Dare to be a man after God’s own heart!

Praying this revival begins with you











Blessing Kpokpo – Desperate Seekers (Thirsty) DOWNLOAD