TMAQTALK MUSIC : OluwatosinDoZ – Ògbenin’íjà

TMAQTALK MUSIC : OluwatosinDoZ – Ògbenin’íjà

TMAQTALK MUSIC : OluwatosinDoZ – Ògbenin’íjà

TMAQTALK MUSIC : OluwatosinDoZ - Ògbenin'íjà

OluwatosinDoZ – Ògbenin’íjà

Ògbenin’íjà means The Defender or My Defender.
It is a song of plea, it is also a Charge to all Believers. It’s a song for the season.
Oluwatosin Osifeso AKA OluwatosinDoZ uses this song to urge all Christians to awake and call for Justice in the Systems of the World. God is the True Judge of all things and the Defender of the oppressed.
She has other songs to her credit like Mo Fe gbo and B’ówó which are also blessing lives.

Twitter handle & Instagram: @Oluwatosindoz


OluwatosinDoZ – Ògbenin’íjà DOWNLOAD