Top Cares – The increase in pedophile and rape, who is to be blamed?
Top Cares – The increase in pedophile and rape, who is to be blamed?
This week i was in a bus and i overheard a lady that was making a call inside the bus,(i wasn’t eve dropping), the phone volume was audible enough for me to hear her conversation.
From the discussion i gathered that one of their family member who was put in custody of his younger siblings for just a night, took that opportunity to sexually molest the little girls, kept in his care. .
This evil act was made known by one of the little girls when her mother came back, she narrated how the young man was playing with their sexual organs, when the young man was asked he never denied the act. I could not continue with the story, because i had to alight at the next bus stop.
The issue of rape and pedophiles have been on the rise this day’s, there is hardly a day that you won’t read or hear about this incident. And our society is doing nothing or little to curb this menace.
The family and society at large, do cover up this incident mostly because it is often perpetrated by a close. relation, they tend to make it a family affair, some often have to swallow the bitter pills, just to protect the victims.
As an educator, I have seen or heard of parents that will not allow their female child be taught in a private/home lesson by a male tutor if you ask this parents they might have seen or have had a horrible experience that has made them never to trust a male tutor to teach their ward.
I was once in a conversation with a lady, who once had such similar thought, I was curious to know why, when she narrated how she was molested by a teacher when she was young, you will never fault her line of reason. She sees any male teacher as a potential predator waiting to pounce on their prey.
This act can be done by both gender, no gender is exempted from this evil act.
My question is, the increase on this evil act, who is to be blamed?
Is it that the government is not taking enough steps to curb this act? Or the society is shielding the perpetrators from prosecution? ..
What are the factors that can make an adult feel sexually attracted to a minor?
I will be waiting to read your comments.
I am Taiwo Olugbenga Peter.