Victony Says after Three Surgeries – “I been in so much pain the last 2months”

Victony Says after Three Surgeries – “I been in so much pain the last 2months”

Victony Says after Three Surgeries – “I been in so much pain the last 2months”

Victony Says after Three Surgeries - “I been in so much pain the last 2months”



Victony Says after Three Surgeries – “I been in so much pain the last 2months”

Singer, Anthony Ebuka Victor, known by his stage name, Victony, has reminisced on surviving the ghastly motor accident that restricted him to a wheelchair in 2021.

He said that for the past two months, he’s been in pain, but it wasn’t the physical kind rather the one that made him realise it is a gift to not be hospitalised.

Victony disclosed that he had done three surgeries after the ghastly accident two years ago, and he is back to making use of his legs.

Taking to his Twitter page, the ‘Holy Father’ hit maker declared that it is time for him to live and as such fans should be expecting a lot of music from him.

The artiste now moves around with the aid of a walking stick.

Victony wrote; “I been in so much pain the last 2months, the type that makes you realize how much, life outside the hospital is a gift.

It’s time to Live, lotta music coming way. Boy Alinko, Ebelebe 

, 4 fucking life. #NotJustADeluxe 

 3 surgeries & still chasing with this legs…OMO OLOGO 
